Saturday, June 5, 2010've got to be kidding me!

Just when I thought I had it all figured out the road zigged when I wanted to zag. What do you call that, a hairpin turn? Life has a funny way of not doing what you plan. God has an even funnier way of putting a fork in the road just when you thought it was a straight shot and you had things set on cruise control. So here we go, off on the biggest adventure of our lives and (hopefully) like the poet says, "the best is yet to be. "

I've never been one to keep a journal, yet I love to buy them. Some of them are so beautiful and when I pick them up, I can just see myself seated with a nice cup of tea, putting pen to paper and recording my deepest thoughts. Then I sit down to write, only to discover my thoughts really aren't that deep or that memorable. The few times I have recorded my life, I go back later to read what I've written only to destroy the pages in fear that someone else would see it, probably when I die and they are cleaning out my things.

However now, since so many people I know want to keep up with happens next in my life, I have decided to, not only live a great adventure, but write about it too.
Join me, won't you, as I begin my journey discovering "the High road" of life.

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