Tuesday, June 8, 2010

It's all about the shoes...

One of the big plusses of the travel nursing gig is the housing benefit- the placement company provides you with a furnished place to live. (I'll let you know if I still consider that a plus after I've lived there for 13 weeks )
We have our new digs but now comes the hard part. Packing.

What you need to survive for 13 weeks is not a whole lot different from what you need to live for a year. At least that's what I tell my husband. So when I started packing a couple weeks ago I encountered a real dilemma. Shoes. Everyone knows a girl has to have shoe options. You have to have your dress red shoes and your casual red shoes, the red sandals that are flat and the red sandals that have the cute little heels. And what about those precious blue and white striped shoes with the red bows that you've just now found the perfect dress for? They couldn't possibly be left at home.
This conundrum has taken much thinking and planning on my part.
I've never invested a lot in shoes because I they are such a flight of fancy with styles changing radically from year to year. But let's face it, shoes are the exclamation point on the end of your ensemble's statement.
For just $14.99 your outfit can become something quite unique.
Maybe if I develop a decision matrix, some type of rubric, I can separate the "wheat from the chaff" and narrow my selection enough to fit in one box. As I go through the culling process my husband just shakes his head and rolls his eyes.
He just doesn't understand that it really is all about the shoes.

1 comment:

  1. I'M LOVING the blog!!! Keep them coming! Love you! Courtney
